How many times did you hear that phrase when you were a kid? And how often was it used in a negative way?
Isn't it funny how when you become a parent, you can see the good--and sometimes not-so-good--traits of both you and your spouse in your children? One of the biggest character traits that Ben has passed to our children is his silliness. Anyone who knows Ben casually probably doesn't know just how goofy he can be. He's quite the crack-up! As I have watched our children--especially Abby, mostly because she's older--I have seen how they have picked up on his silliness. I can't begin to count the times I have told Abby, "Oh, you act just like your daddy!" when she has done something totally off-the-wall. Often, I'll catch her pulling silly faces in the mirror while she's washing her hands or when she's supposed to be brushing her teeth! And even Hayden is getting into the funny faces act; he has started making funny faces at himself and laughing at them!
I started thinking about that this morning. How much do I act like my Father--my Heavenly Father? Let's take a look at some of His attributes for a moment and see how they apply to everyday life.
1. God is loving. Throughout both the Old and New Testaments we see God's love for humanity expressed in so many ways. He made covenants with His people (Gen. 9:8-17; Gen. 15); He provided for their every need, even when they complained (Ex. 16-17:7); He gave His people rules for living (Ex. 20:1-17); and He even gave them what they whined for and thought they wanted when they kept asking for a king, even though He knew a king would be bad for them. (The time of the kings began in I Sam. 8.)
2. God is giving. There is no greater example of God's giving nature than what we see in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave..." He gave us His very best!
3. God is forgiving. Example after example of God's forgiving nature is seen throughout the Bible. Do a quick search in a concordance or on a Web site like Bible Gateway and you will see the different verses on God's forgiveness.
Here are a few examples of how these apply to everyday living:
Love: Am I unconditional with my love for others? Do I freely give my love to others, thereby showing them God's love for them? How many times a day do I tell my children and my husband that I love them? How do I show them my love for them? Do I let my friends know that I love them, too?
Giving: How freely do I give of what I have? Do I give to those in need? Do I give the Lord what is rightfully His--my tithe--on a regular basis? Do I give above the tithe? Do I give my best, or do I give what I think I can get by with giving? Do I give cheerfully? Do I give to my children freely, or do I tell them "No" too often?
Forgiving: How easily do I forgive? Do I hold a grudge against others, or do I let it go? If my children do something wrong, am I quick to forgive them or do I hold it over them for a while? Do I forgive my husband easily, or do I make him pay penance of some sort? Am I as quick to forgive my family as I am to forgive others?
As a parent, it is my job to model God to my children. Sometimes, this parent needs a gentle reminder of that very thing. Nothing above is meant to be hard or condemning. Quite the contrary! Everything above is intended to be encouraging and maybe shine some light on an area that might need a little more attention.
Just as my children sometimes act like their daddy, I want to act more like my Heavenly Father.
I hope you acted like your Father today!
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