Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Year, New Approach

Okay, so I know that today is March 2 and this is my first posting of the year. Between sicknesses, Ben's work schedule, and trying to maintain some form of daily schedule and routine, blogging has been a low priority.

In this new year, there are two things that seem to be things the Lord would have me work on, at least right now: organization and flexibility. Yes, the two actually do go hand-in-hand. As a parent, you know that organization is important; it aids in establishing routine for your children, which is something that they desperately need. As a homeschooling parent, I am learning that organization is a weak area for me, not so much in the area of having a regular, set schedule for things like getting up and going to bed, but for things like actually setting a plan on paper for the week for our studies instead of trying to go off of a mental list. Things get forgotten that way! (Imagine that!)

I'm also trying to become more organized with meal planning. We already shop off of a menu that we decide upon, but it has become a goal to write down exactly what we are having for which meal and on which day and posting it on the refrigerator door. This eliminates the whole, "What do you want for dinner?" time waster and actually helps me to be much more efficient in the kitchen.

Have I been consistent with both of these things? Nope. But I am trying. I think that writing about it here will help me to be more accountable.

Another new approach this year is one for the kids. In the past, it has been a chore to get the kids to do their chores without grumbling and to do them the right way. Through an email that I receive every day, I learned about this great online chore chart program called My Job Chart. The kids earn points for completing their chores each morning and evening, and the points can be saved, shared, and spent, which also teaches them about handling finances (even though they don't realize it yet). This simple, online chore chart has really changed the way my kids think about the jobs they need to do. I hear a lot less, "I can't" and "I forgot" when the kids have been told to do something because they look forward to checking it off of their list each day. An added bonus for Hayden is that he is learning to recognize his letters in a practical way as he learns to enter in his own password!

A great bonus for me with My Job Chart? It's free! That works out great for this frugal mama's wallet!

One more thing that is new in this year, but not really new for me, is that I have started running again. How I missed running! It probably took a good 9 months to for me to be able to run without discomfort from the c-section, but now that I'm back in the swing of things I'm preparing for the Ukrop's Monument Ave 10K in Richmond. I ran it for the first time back in 2009 and am excited to go back again this year. New this year: Abby is going to run the kids' one mile race that same morning! We're going to run that mile together; it is so exciting to get to run with my daughter! I'm not the most fit person; hey, I'm still overweight. But my daughter is learning the importance of exercise at an early age and she is learning that it can be fun. It was her idea to run in the kids' race, not mine, and I am proud of her for wanting to do this.

It seems that this is a year for change; change can be a positive thing, especially when we let God do the changing in us--and when we actually submit to His will. As a parent, I can see things that my kids need to change so that they can be more successful at this or that. God, our Heavenly Father, is certainly no different. Just as I desire for my kids to listen to what Ben and I tell them, God also wants us to listen to Him. My kids will learn to listen to God by watching me listen to Him. And that is one example that I want to be sure to set for them.